VistaTek's New Facility in White Bear Lake
VistaTek has expanded and moved for the 5th time in its history in April 2024. Their new home is back in White Bear Lake, where they started in 1996. This new facility has more manufacturing space, an expanded Class 8 cleanroom, better employee facilities, more dock doors, and improved lighting in operations. Not only is this new facility an upgrade for its people and production, but it also advances our passion for sustainability. The parking lot is equipped with rain gardens to reduce the amount of water runoff to the sewers, and the rooftop has solar panels to reduce our energy consumption in our front offices. We love to host tours and connect with our customers on-site. Give us a call and set up a time to visit us.

4467 White Bear Pkwy
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Danny Mishek
612-386-7752 (cell)